4 Tips For Effective Hot Tub Cleaning And Maintenance

Owning a hot tub is fun and enjoyable, but to keep that enjoyment going, you need proper maintenance of hot tubs. If you wish your hot tub to offer you those relaxing spa sessions for a long time, without any problem, then you need to take care of it. Cleaning hot tubs is not hard, only if you know the steps you should follow. Here’s a list of the things you should do to ensure effective cleaning of the hot tub.

1. Change the water

This is the most challenging task that every tub owner often tends to avoid, but it is necessary. You only need to change the water every two or three months. Changing the water will not take more than two hours and will ensure that your tub is working efficiently with clean water in it.

2. Clean the filter

Most of the hot tub owners don't realize that cleaning the filter is necessary for the smooth running of the hot tub. You can clean your hot tub air filter with the help of a filter cleaner and let it dry for a while before plugging it in.

3. Shock Treatment

To keep the water clean, you need to use the shock treatment for your tub frequently; it also sanitizes the water. It helps in breaking down the organic compounds that make your water look cloudy. You should shock your tub weekly with the help of a sanitizer.

4. Use the spa cover

The easiest and the most affordable way to keep your spa clean is by using the hot tub covers. The cover protects your tub and the water from getting dirty to give you a hygienic spa session. You can also order the best custom inground spa cover for your hot tub.


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